SUG Product Offering
SUG of ers two Homeowners programs, for American Modern Insurance Group and AEGIS Security Insruance Company
POur targeted market segments include eiter owner-occupied or seasonally occupied homes that are not desirable to standard insurers because of age, condition losses or oter underwriting criteria. We can insure lower valued homes, especially older homes where the replacement cost is far in excess of the actual cash value basis, but we can also of er replacement cost coverage or
repair cost valuations, in most states.
Our Homeowners forms are intended to insure many risks that are not generally acceptable or desireable to standard markets, but when appropriate, we can also of er dwelling f re coverage for owner seasonal occuupancies.
All of our of ered programs are admitted and direct bill. They of er plans and accept credit card payment. All also of er online rating and msot of er online upload of applications.
Our intention is to provide you with a comprehensive product of ering that will provide a market for msot reasonable properties and provide you with all of the tools to quickly quote and issue business and service your customers.