SUG Product Offering
Dwelling Fire has long been a product that we focus on and it is currently our largest product line. We offer DP-3 (Special Form), DP-1 (Basic Form), and Commercial Form ISO products through a number of different carriers. We currently offer four different carriers in Ohio, with complementary underwriting criteria, allowing you to expand your reach with your DWF products.
Our targeted market segments include stand-alone dwellings that are not desirable to standard insurers because of age, condition, losses or other underwriting criteria.
A particular area of specialty is our vacant dwelling product offering. We offer four different programs in Ohio and can provide unique coverage opportunities, such as Builder’s Risk Renovation Coverage, Vacancy Endorsement (for temporary vacancies), DP-3 and Special Form Coverage for newer homes, Stand Alone Coverage, Other Structure Coverage for Pole Barns, Hunting Lodges and Camping Structures. Vacant dwellings are a focus of ours; when you think of vacant dwellings, please think of SUG. We can insure vacant 1-4 family properties, as well as vacant condos and vacant manufactured homes.
All of our offered programs are admitted and direct bill. They offer pay plans and accept credit card payment. All also offer online rating and most offer online upload of applications.
We also realize that our dwelling products may not comprise a large portion of the business that you write, so we are more than happy to provide a quote to you.
Our intention is to provide you with a comprehensive product offering that will provide a market for most reasonable properties and provide you with all of the tools to quickly quote and issue business and service your customers.